Entries Tagged 'The View from Mudsock Heights'

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Maybe Some Home-Made Ice Cream Would Lure It Back

By Dennis E. Powell | Jul 07, 2021 at 11:19 AM

Well, that would certainly explain the sudden scarcity of medium-sized rodents around here.

Before we get too far along, let me confess an act — an in-act, actually (inactually?) — of idiocy. Normally I’m within arm’s reach of a camera. That has allowed me to capture many fleeting moments I would have missed otherwise. But this time I didn’t make a picture.

If a Tree Falls in the Yard and You Can't Find the Picture, is there Sound?

Yes, screams.

By Dennis E. Powell | Jun 30, 2021 at 7:25 PM

If you were here that afternoon, you remember it.

At about 6 p.m. nine years ago yesterday, a line of powerful thunderstorms swept across our area. It would get famous a few hours later, when it struck more fashionable parts of the country. Nine years ago today, the lights were out in Athens County.

Gravely considered, in Light of the Fireflies

By Dennis E. Powell | Jun 23, 2021 at 11:56 PM

It may be about time to get rid of the old Gravely. The last time I wrote about this venerable piece of equipment it spawned a reaction from a Gravely fan in northern Ohio so strident that Athens NEWS editor Terry Smith wanted to call the authorities, lest (or perhaps in hope of a good story should it happen) the angry fellow come round and murder me.

Best to Cultivate Crops and Become Reliable Neighbors Before We Need Them

By Dennis E. Powell | Jun 16, 2021 at 11:54 AM

Sometimes when the air is just right, its invisible ingredients comprising a particular admixture of humidity, pollen, fragrance, and who knows what, it is as if a person has been carried back in time.

All Aboard the Handbasket, Departing to You-Know-Where

By Dennis E. Powell | Jun 09, 2021 at 11:42 AM

The other day I was at the grocery store, grumbling that the house-brand refried beans, 69 cents for quite some time, are now 89 cents, an increase of more than 20 percent. Then I noticed that the house-brand dry-roasted peanuts, $1.99 since forever, have gone up by more than 10 percent.

The Clanking Gadget at Center of My Do-It-Yourself Physical Therapy

By Dennis E. Powell | Jun 03, 2021 at 3:04 PM

This didn’t turn out at all as I’d expected. Here’s the prelude: When I made pictures for a living, I got plenty of exercise. Walking five miles or more per day was routine. I’ve run backwards up hills (so as to photograph parades and protests coming up those hills) and carried lots of photographic gear appreciable distances, about which my muscles later registered an opinion.

What We Enjoyed Here Five Years Ago Draws a Different Reception Back East

By Dennis E. Powell | May 27, 2021 at 3:12 PM

You kinda gotta laugh.

If you pay any attention to the national news you have seen how Washington, D.C. has gone more berserk than normal. The cause of this particular derangement is this year’s emergence of the proud members of brood X of the 17-year cicada.

Emergency Computer Repair Brings Potential Legislation to Mind

By Dennis E. Powell | May 12, 2021 at 11:52 PM

In the spring of odd-numbered years, it’s my task to upgrade the operating systems on my computers. It sometimes goes uneventfully.

An Old Quiz Show Might Underline What's Wrong with Today's Higher Education

By Dennis E. Powell | May 05, 2021 at 11:10 PM

It’s not nostalgia that leads me to think of a television show that all but disappeared more than 50 years ago. I bring up the once-famous “GE College Bowl” for an entirely different reason.

We Once Knew the Theme Songs to Even Ordinary Television Shows

By Dennis E. Powell | Apr 28, 2021 at 11:10 PM

In March 1981 a moderately successful television program premiered on ABC. “The Greatest American Hero” was a semi-spoof superhero show that ran for three seasons, neither a huge hit nor a bomb.

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