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Blame Bill!

By Dennis E. Powell | Sep 18, 2024 at 11:35 PM

There was a time, children, when a presidential election involved a choice between serious people who offered plans, policy proposals, and philosophies.

Why I Don’t Make Swift Endorsements

By Timothy R. Butler | Sep 18, 2024 at 11:00 PM

Unless you live under a rock, you know that the second most anticipated endorsement of the presidential election finally happened: Taylor Swift endorsed Kamala Harris. Don’t hold your breath for the most anticipated: I won’t be making an endorsement. (And maybe you shouldn’t either.)

Weapons of War

By Dennis E. Powell | Sep 18, 2024 at 9:00 PM

There is good cause for me to eye outdoor power tools with suspicion and fear. As I’ve mentioned elsewhere, my first battle with a lawnmower ended in my defeat. (No, that’s not a pun — my left foot was sewn back together and remains an important part of me to this day.)

Cheers for X, Jeers for TikTok

By Timothy R. Butler | Sep 11, 2024 at 2:00 PM

Does this make me sound old? I don’t really care. The U.S. TikTok ban is spot on and the Brazilian X ban is not. No “back in my day” speech required.

Getting Debianized

By Dennis E. Powell | Sep 04, 2024 at 9:28 PM

The time has come. The inevitable can be postponed no more. I’m switching my desktop computer to Debian Linux. I should have embraced Debian from the beginning. Please allow me to offer my excuse for not having done so 26 years ago.

NewsNation Rewinds to a Better News Era

By Timothy R. Butler | Sep 04, 2024 at 9:06 PM

After the long holiday weekend, the cable news talking heads returned to their flashy sets. One led with an impassioned speech about the horrors of the October 7 attack on Israel and the tragedy of the hostages killed this weekend — and didn’t immediately pivot to score a partisan point. That encapsulates upstart network NewsNation’s approach.

Where Is Naomi Wu?

By Dennis E. Powell | Aug 28, 2024 at 11:54 PM

It was such a cute gadget. A tiny computer, brushed aluminum on the outside, with a decent keyboard (albeit with chicklet keys), a Thinkpad-ish pointing stick that would even take a grippy Thinkpad “cat’s tongue” insert. A fairly fast X86 Intel processor, enough storage, and 8 gigs of memory. And now it was on sale at a low price.

Amateur Hour Needs to End

By E. Ryan Haffner | Aug 28, 2024 at 11:32 PM

In Vice President Harris’s nomination speech, she labeled President Trump an “unserious man.” She was right, but she should know: she could wear the “unserious” label just fine herself.

It's Worse Than Alvin Predicted

By Dennis E. Powell | Aug 21, 2024 at 10:47 PM

Alvin Lee was a rock-and-roll singer, guitarist, and songwriter of some note. Anyone who has seen the “Woodstock” movie surely remembers him and his band, Ten Years After, performing “I’m Going Home.” It didn’t impart the sense that Lee was high in the intellectual hit parade. But he was at least a talented predictor of future events, as I was reminded this week.

On the Contrary: Abortion Is Everyone's Business

By Jason Kettinger | Aug 20, 2024 at 5:16 PM

Last week, Vice President Harris chose Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota to be her running mate for the fall presidential election. He’s an interesting person with many fine qualities, and perhaps even some compelling issue positions, depending upon your perspective. It must be said, however, that the Vice President and Governor Walz continue to uphold their national party’s extreme views on abortion, and the right to life.

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