Through an exclusive breakthrough in quantum journalism, Open for Business has obtained a classified Soviet Union memorandum from an alternate timeline. The document from 1956 in that reality describes a service we never enjoyed, Tick Tock Radio (TTR), an initiative apparently key to that reality’s starkly divergent present day from our own.
Does this make me sound old? I don’t really care. The U.S. TikTok ban is spot on and the Brazilian X ban is not. No “back in my day” speech required.
The Zippy Boys return to celebrate the third anniversary of our podcast! Join Tim and Jason as we touch on the massive foreign aid bill recently passed by Congress, the accompanying TikTok ban, the 2024 St. Louis Cardinals and the hope of Jesus’s resurrection as we mourn the death of loved ones.
The conclusion that the United States is in its bread-and-circuses phase is just about impossible to escape, and our response to it proves the point.