
Episode 25: We May Be Back... Just in June

By Zippy the Wonder Snail | Posted at 11:56 AM

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Where did everybody’s favorite Snailcast go in May? The boys talk about that and some of the big news that happened during the last month, including the Supreme Court leak, the tragic Uvalde mass shooting and the political winds ahead of this year’s mid-term elections.

Show Notes

Comrade’s COVID

Where, oh where has Zippy been? The snail had to take a hiatus as Jason recovered from COVID; he shares about his experience with the virus and his advice for those who have avoided it thus far.

Sponsor: Anagramle.com by FaithTree

Love Wordle and want to play more? In February, FaithTree introduced Biblicle.com from FaithTree — drawing from five letter words found in the English Bible. A month later, we presented another daily word game, Anagramle.com, that you won’t want to miss out on. Fun, fast paced and playable once a day!

The SCOTUS Leak: Implications

Tim and Jason dig into the damage done by the leak of the Dobbs v. Jackson draft decision from the Supreme Court, a first-of-its-kind leak to an institution that attempts to stay above the political fray.

The SCOTUS Leak: The Draft Decision

The boys also discuss the decision itself and their opinions on where the pro-life movement will need to focus assuming the decision comes down from the court as drafted.

Mid-Term Election Predictions

Jason offers his “molten lava hot take” on where our country will head in this year’s upcoming midterm elections as he and Tim consider how inflation and the war in Ukraine impact the prospects for the Democrats and Republicans.

Sponsor: FaithTree.com WeatherDesk

Summer is a great time for outdoor parties and family vacations, but what will the weather be like as you make your plans? Check out FaithTree.com WeatherDesk for ad-free and privacy friendly weather forecasts you can depend on.

Guns and Trust In God

The Zippy Crew thinks about gun control in light of the tragic school shooting in Uvalde, Texas and then turn to Jeremiah 17 to examine where we put our trust.

Contact the Zippy Crew

Have comments? Questions? Need prayer? The boys would love to hear from you, so give us a shout at zippy@ofb.biz!

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Zippy the Wonder Snail is a podcast zipping through the news and culture that impacts you, co-hosted by Timothy R. Butler and Jason Kettinger.

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