
Episode 27: Charge!

By Zippy the Wonder Snail | Posted at 9:36 PM

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The Zippy Crew returns with musings on Aldi, Cheese, Monkeypox, preaching, Dale Earnhardt and more in an episode as packed as a summer potluck.

Show Notes

A Cheesy Aldi Plug

The boys muse on the deliciousness of smoked cheese and some of the deals one can find this summer at Aldi, Tim’s preferred grocer.

Of COVID and Monkeypox

Drawing from disturbing data from the CDC and epidemiologist Eric Feigl-Ding, the Zippy Crew considers where we are presently with COVID and what might be worrisome about the continued spread of Monkeypox.

Sponsor: Biblicle.com by FaithTree

Love Wordle and want to play more? In February, FaithTree introduced Biblicle.com from FaithTree — drawing from five letter words found in the English Bible. A month later, we presented another daily word game, Anagramle.com, that you won’t want to miss out on. Fun, fast paced and playable once a day!

Preaching with the Comrade

Jason came to Tim’s church plant, Little Hills Church to preach and the boys chat about the time there. You can catch the sermon itself via grow.faithtree.com.

Remembering Dale Earnhardt

Tim and Jason discuss Jason’s recent piece on the legendary NASCAR driver Dale Earnhardt.

Sponsor: FaithTree.com WeatherDesk

Summer is a great time for outdoor parties and family vacations, but what will the weather be like as you make your plans? Check out FaithTree.com WeatherDesk for ad-free and privacy friendly weather forecasts you can depend on.

Musings On The New Podcast Soundboard

The Boys try out Zencastr to record this podcast episode and have a bit too much fun with the sound effects tool in Zencastr.

Hope in the Dark: Psalm 88

The Zippy Crew talks about the helpfulness of a Psalm like 88, which ends in darkness rather than resolution to the problems of life. You can hear Jason’s contribution for Songs for Our Temple that covers Psalm 88 right here.

Contact the Zippy Crew

Have comments? Questions? Need prayer? The boys would love to hear from you, so give us a shout at zippy@ofb.biz!

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Zippy the Wonder Snail is a podcast zipping through the news and culture that impacts you, co-hosted by Timothy R. Butler and Jason Kettinger.

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