
Episode 45: Are You Going to Put This In?

By Zippy the Wonder Snail | Posted at 2:15 AM

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The Boys are back with an episode recorded throughout the final weeks of Jason’s summer vacation. On the docket: whether AI created art is really art, a medley of sports subjects (including the Olympics and Caitlin Clark), a look back at the summer as the academic year arrives and an exploration of Luke 19.

Video Edition

Show Notes

00:00 - Ready, Set, Go

This episode, recorded over the last couple of weeks of Jason’s summer stay in St. Louis, hits the ground running.

1:39 - Is AI Creation Art?

The Boys tackle a challenging topic: what determines if art made by (or in cooperation with) AI is really “art”?

12:06 - Sports Corner

Jason and Tim muse on the final stretch of the season for the St. Louis Cardinals along with a check-in concerning Caitlin Clark’s fantastic season.

19:11 - Sponsor: FaithTree.com WeatherDesk

Traveling this summer? Use FaithTree WeatherDesk to get up-to-date weather for wherever you go!

19:53 - Olympic Preview

What is the Zippy Crew excited about during the Paris Olympics? They talk about the moments they’re anticipating and some of the interesting politics around the game, too.

25:54 - Summer Review

After a summer preaching through Luke 18-19 together, Tim and Jason reflect on the experience.

37:52 - Sponsor: Little Hills Church

We’re recording today at @littlehillschurch. Listeners are invited to consider visiting Little Hills online or in-person. As a hybrid online and “brick and mortar” church, Little Hills has members in St. Charles, MO and around the country and world. Tim and Jason talk about the moments they’re anticipating and some of the interesting politics around the game, too.

38:29 - Luke 19:1-10

The Boys think further on Luke 19:1-10, the fascinating and redemptive story of Zacchaeus.

You can find the whole archive of Zippy episodes at https://snail.zip . 🏁🐌🏁

Contact the Zippy Crew

Have comments? Questions? Need prayer? The boys would love to hear from you, so give us a shout at zippy@ofb.biz!

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Zippy the Wonder Snail is a podcast zipping through the news and culture that impacts you, co-hosted by Timothy R. Butler and Jason Kettinger.

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