
Episode 47: Decided By Communists and Ballerinas

(Or, I Hung Up the "Mission Accomplished" Banner Too Soon)

By Zippy the Wonder Snail | Posted at 10:03 PM

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Tim and Jason talk sports and hope — but not at the same time — as they think about the WNBA, and St. Louis soccer and baseball, before turning to God’s faithfulness shown even in death.

Video Edition

Show Notes

00:00 - The Snail Zips into Part II

This is part two of our Mega Episode that began in Episode 46.

1:22 - Sports Updates

Jason and Tim talk Catilin Clark and the WNBA St. Louis City SC Soccer and the St. Louis Cardinals Baseball season wrap-up.

24:45 - Sponsor: FaithTree Games

Relax at the end of the day with free games — Biblicle and Anagramle — at FaithTree Games.

25:57 - Hope Even in Death

Tim and Jason talk about where we find hope in God’s faithfulness even as we face challenges and disasters like hurricanes. They turn to the death of Isaac for a surprising amount of encouragement.

You can find the whole archive of Zippy episodes at https://snail.zip. 🏁🐌🏁

Contact the Zippy Crew

Have comments? Questions? Need prayer? The boys would love to hear from you, so give us a shout at zippy@ofb.biz!

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Zippy the Wonder Snail is a podcast zipping through the news and culture that impacts you, co-hosted by Timothy R. Butler and Jason Kettinger.

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