
Episode 10: All's Well that Ends Well

By Zippy the Wonder Snail | Posted at 12:34 PM

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This episode, the Zippy Crew digs more deeply into the Afghan Crisis and hits on several topics related to religious persecution and faithfulness. For this week’s lighter side, we also wrap up our “Summer of the Miniseries” with last looks at Tinker, Tailor and WandaVision, including a look at a scene in WandaVision that helps us think about resurrection.

Show Notes

The Afghan Crisis

Tim and Jason dig more deeply into the horrors we’ve witnessed in Afghanistan and the bipartisan mistakes around it. They consider ways we can help in this moment and the future and return to some of the hope Tim wrote about on OFB previously.

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Sponsor: FaithTree.com News

FaithTree.com is a fantastic tool for staying caught up with the news in this ever changing world. Don’t be content with one source and its biases — pull in reliable sources across political boundaries so that you can get a fuller picture of what’s really going on. Just one of the great ways you can customize FaithTree.com to be your home page on the web.

Summer of the Miniseries Wrap Up

Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy

Jason and Tim wrap up a journey through John le Carre’s Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy and the BBC miniseries adaption thereof. Amongst other themes, they consider the pain that comes to one of the characters when he betrays others under the pressures of interrogation.

WandaVision, the Ship of Theseus and Resurrection

The boys return to WandaVision and consider the miniseries’ interaction with the Ancient Greek story of the Ship of Theseus; does it give a metaphor of the resurrection we look forward to in Christ? Tim referenced this previously on OFB.

NRB Fires Representative for Supporting Vaccines

The Zippy Crew turn to the news that the National Religious Broadcasters, a group intended to protect Christian free speech rights amongst broadcasters, had fired its Senior VP of Communications, Daniel Darling, for his pro-vaccine op-ed in USA Today. The boys also reference Tim’s recent piece urging caution amongst pastors before they write “religious exemption letters” concerning vaccines.

Sponsor: FaithTree Grow

FaithTree Grow is great way to become better rooted in Scripture instead of our cultural winds. Every week, you can find a great collection of fresh devotionals and sermons from friends of FaithTree. Make it part of your week for Biblical encouragement as we grow together with God’s help!

Acts 7: Standing Firm in Faith

Jason and Tim both kept running into Acts 7 in the week leading up to this episode, which seems fitting given the subjects of persecution and standing for principles that are woven throughout this episode.

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Zippy the Wonder Snail is a podcast zipping through the news and culture that impacts you, co-hosted by Timothy R. Butler and Jason Kettinger.

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