
Episode 13: Reason, Revelation and 'Rithmetic

By Zippy the Wonder Snail | Posted at 8:20 PM

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Your favorite snail of news and culture returns with an episode zipping through baseball drama with the firing of Mike Schildt, a deeper dive into arguments in the abortion debate (including how that intersects with disability), a discussion about the Chosen and other dramatizations of the life of Jesus and a hopeful reflection on what God accomplishes in Revelation 22.

Show Notes

The Firing of Mike Schildt

The Zippy Crew considers the surprise firing of the St. Louis Cardinals skipper, Mike Schildt, who had led his team to a winning record and the post-season each of his first three full seasons managing.

Sponsor: Open for Business

Open for Business is 20 years old this month. Check out the columns from Tim and Jason, along with Dennis E. Powell, every week at OFB.biz.

Abortion and Reason

Jason recently wrote a piece on the problems in the pro-choice movement’s arguments for abortion. The boys discuss that piece and look for areas of common ground most Americans could approach to try to deal with at least some aspects of abortion policy. Jason also recommends Wondrously Wounded: Theology, Disability and the Body of Christ (Affiliate Link) as a good resource to explore issues around the sanctity of life and disability further.

Musical Interlude

“Rivers” by Thomas Lavine

The Chosen

Jason has just finished the first two season of the Chosen, a crowdfunded series following the life of Jesus in the Gospels. He and Tim discuss the series and general questions about dramatizing the life of Christ.

Sponsor: FaithTree Grow

How do we better know what the Bible says? By studying it ourselves and seeking out faithful men and women who help teach it to us. Check out the devotional tools of FaithTree Grow throughout the week for a wealth of resources to do just that.

Revelation 22 and Reading Through the Bible

Tim and Jason turn to the end of the Bible for this episode, looking at Revelation 22 and the hope contained as God restores all things.

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Zippy the Wonder Snail is a podcast zipping through the news and culture that impacts you, co-hosted by Timothy R. Butler and Jason Kettinger.

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