
Episode 21: Wars, Games and Hope

By Zippy the Wonder Snail | Posted at 5:14 PM

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The Zippy Crew returns, speeding through musings about the Winter Olympics and its controversies, the boys’ Wordle-playing, the worrisome military buildup by Russia, Damon Albarn’s attack on Taylor Swift and the hope we find in the Resurrection.

Show Notes

The Winter Olympics and China

The Boys talk about the ongoing Olympic Games, oddities about the host nation competing with players from elsewhere and the human rights abuses that sit in the background of the Games.

Sponsor: Biblicle.com

Love Wordle and want to play more? Check out Biblicle.com from FaithTree — it’s a new twist on the daily word game, drawing from five letter words found in the English Bible.

Wordle and Its Clones

Riffing off of the launch of Biblicle, Tim and Jason talk about their enjoyment of Wordle, Taylordle and Jason’s boycott of Biblicle.

The Russia-Ukrainian Conflict

The Crew discusses the worrisome buildup in Eastern Europe that looks all too much like past World Wars. Where do we go from here? What should our own country do?

Damon Albarn vs. Taylor Swift

Gorillaz frontman Albarn set off a social media firestorm by attacking the songwriting chops of Taylor Swift. The boys talk about his critique and Swift’s songwriting.

Sponsor: FaithTree Grow

How do we better know what the Bible says? By studying it ourselves and seeking out faithful men and women who help teach it to us. Check out the devotional tools of FaithTree Grow throughout the week for a wealth of resources to do just that.

Hope in the Resurrection

There’s a lot that can discourage us right now, and both of the boys recently lost someone to death, so Jason and Tim turn to a place of incredible hope, 1 Corinthians 15, to close out the show.

Contact the Zippy Crew

Have comments? Questions? Need prayer? The boys would love to hear from you, so give us a shout at zippy@ofb.biz!

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Zippy the Wonder Snail is a podcast zipping through the news and culture that impacts you, co-hosted by Timothy R. Butler and Jason Kettinger.

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