Entries Tagged 'Ukraine'

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The Price of a Weak Leader

By Dennis E. Powell | Mar 09, 2022 at 12:20 PM

It is said that those who can’t, teach. To which I’d add that those who can’t, and who also can’t teach, become bureaucrats. If they clean up well, their path to the loftiest halls of government is clear.

We Cannot Put It Off: Putin Must Be Engaged

By Timothy R. Butler | Mar 03, 2022 at 3:44 PM

As Vladimir Putin continues his best attempt to impersonate a schoolyard bully albeit with unimaginably horrible weapons at his disposal, the reason for staying back and watching is clear enough. Clear, but wrong. The time has come: we cannot be spectators or a mere supply chain: we must use the weight of NATO to stop by force the humanitarian disaster that is Russia’s unnecessary war.

Let Actions Have Consequences

By Dennis E. Powell | Mar 02, 2022 at 8:48 PM

The scene is a familiar one. Vladimir Putin is at the desk whence he has uttered his increasingly deranged speeches over the last few weeks. An off-camera voice is heard. “Vladimir Vladimirovich, it has been determined that you are impaired in your thinking. You are psikh. Given your advanced age and the unlikelihood of cure, the remedy is to be one with which you are familiar.” Does a flash of panic appear in the former KGB lieutenant colonel’s eyes?

Ash Wednesday on the Doorstep of War

By Timothy R. Butler | Mar 02, 2022 at 8:23 PM

It’s 3 a.m. and I’m on Twitter impatiently refreshing, looking for news from Ukraine. I check over on Ukrainian President Zelensky’s account, too, looking for signs he’s still alive and Russia hasn’t managed to find him yet. Probably a lot of you reading this are doing the same. Death looms large this Ash Wednesday, situated amidst the first global-level conflict of the Internet era.

This is Only the Beginning

By Dennis E. Powell | Feb 23, 2022 at 6:27 PM

Anyone familiar with the history of the last 100 years or so should be terrified, because they’ll remember that this is how it began last time. We’re not far from saying “if we’d only acted back then.” Right now is the “back then” we’ll be talking about.

Episode 21: Wars, Games and Hope

By Zippy the Wonder Snail | Feb 17, 2022 at 5:14 PM

The Zippy Crew returns, speeding through musings about the Winter Olympics and its controversies, the boys’ Wordle-playing, the worrisome military buildup by Russia, Damon Albarn’s attack on Taylor Swift and the hope we find in the Resurrection.

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