Entries Tagged 'Politics'

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Episode 26: Much Ado About Something

By Zippy the Wonder Snail | Jun 22, 2022 at 9:50 PM

The Boys are back with talk of the continued political tensions around the Russo-Ukrainian War, the coming SCOTUS decisions, violent political rhetoric in the coming midterm elections, Shakespeare and hope in Psalm 136.

Episode 25: We May Be Back... Just in June

By Zippy the Wonder Snail | Jun 01, 2022 at 11:56 AM

Where did everybody’s favorite Snailcast go in May? The boys talk about that and some of the big news that happened during the last month, including the Supreme Court leak, the tragic Uvalde mass shooting and the political winds ahead of this year’s mid-term elections.

Filibuster or Bust

By Timothy R. Butler | Feb 16, 2022 at 11:16 PM

Joe Manchin and Krystin Sinema are due a heap of gratitude by all of us. Personally, I prefer a government that is stable and seeks to represent the whole of the country and not a specific subset and it is those two, and not figures I’d probably have been more inclined to elect, that are holding to the esoteric parliamentary rule — the filibuster — that offers us such stability.

Chances Are, It Will Get Worse

By Dennis E. Powell | Nov 17, 2021 at 8:05 PM

We’re in a mess. The country is in the weakest place it’s been in a very long time. If what I suspect and fear comes to pass, it could soon be far worse.

Episode 15: Have They Undercooked It?

By Zippy the Wonder Snail | Nov 12, 2021 at 2:30 PM

How crispy should bacon be? Should you go see the new Dune movie? You’ll find the answers in this episode, along with further consideration of the minimum wage increase debate, analysis of last week’s election news and a meditation on Romans 1.

Please Don't Go Brandon

By Timothy R. Butler | Oct 31, 2021 at 5:54 PM

The phrase kept showing up in my social media feed, probably as it has for you. I’ve been busy, so I kept putting off finding out the reason for the latest social media fad, but finally bit: just who is “Brandon” and why is everyone cheering him on? It seemed like everyone was having lighthearted fun… at first.

Episode 14: Music of the Spheres, the Minimum Wage and Maxed Out Macs

By Zippy the Wonder Snail | Oct 28, 2021 at 2:04 PM

The Boys dig into Coldplay’s new album Music of the Spheres, preview the new supercharged Apple computers, consider privacy and surveillance online, debate the Minimum Wage and then spend some time in the Gospel of John and Revelation once again.

Episode 12: Like Toasted Ravioli and Provel-Based Pizza

By Zippy the Wonder Snail | Oct 05, 2021 at 11:42 AM

The boys are back on the 20th Anniversary of OFB with an epsiode packed with music, politics, baseball and mysterious priests in the Bible. Where else can you discuss the Cardinals, the migrant crisis, a John Mayer album and Melchizedek in one place?

Episode 11: Pumpkin Spice Zippy

Baseball, Human Dignity and God’s Constant Mercy

By Zippy the Wonder Snail | Sep 18, 2021 at 5:30 PM

The boys are back and start off with a perfect fall medley of pumpkin spice and baseball. They also delve into vaccine mandate controversies and the new Texas and Mississippi abortion laws, with a hopeful topping of discussion around God’s love in the Old Testament.

Episode 10: All's Well that Ends Well

By Zippy the Wonder Snail | Sep 03, 2021 at 12:34 PM

This episode, the Zippy Crew digs more deeply into the Afghan Crisis and hits on several topics related to religious persecution and faithfulness. For this week’s lighter side, we also wrap up our “Summer of the Miniseries” with last looks at Tinker, Tailor and WandaVision, including a look at a scene in WandaVision that helps us think about resurrection.

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